CoffeeScript WebGL ARP Signing Avatar with Animgen via JASigning: vhg.2021

GUI with predefined layout : Legacy Browsers

This example uses JavaScript transpiled from the current version to legacy versions using Babel. This should allow the CWASA software to run on Internet Explorer and other browsers that do not support modern JavaScript. The code should run on modern browsers, but with a potential performance penalty.
This example shows how the complete GUI can be created using a predefined layout.

The avatar panel and the GUI are generated automatically. The class name on div elements identifies the avatar or GUI panel and the number of the avatar. Additional copies of some GUI controls can be added using the GUI Panel approach or bespoke GUI approach. See other example pages.

Settings in cwaclientcfg.json, a JSON configuration file beside the web page, determine whether some of the elements are present or hidden. In this example, all GUI elements are used.

Available under the Creative Commons BY-SA License. JRWG 2021-01-19